Friday, February 18, 2011

Ceritaku Ceritamu...


Tadi petang sepatutnya ada tiga agenda di kawasan ulu kelang.Tetapinya hanya satu yang settle, yang lelain terpaksa ditunda..:)
1. Jumpa aida - settelkan beberapa secretarial cases
2. Jumpa 'sumpah'?..pesuruh jaya sumpah, utk certified beberapa company punye statutory declaration
3. P office N, submit & collect doc ( macam despatchkan....standardla..aku ni byk sgt cum..cum janitor, cum toilet cleaner, cum supervisor, cum it officer, cum network engineer, cum accountant, cum auditor, cum....dan berbagai lagi...eheh)

yang settle...jumpa aida jer, pesuruh jaya sumpah dah pindah..chess..tak tau plak. Opis N tak dan nak p sbb p minum ngan aida..eheh...jumpa membe cum business associates, kenala minum2...nak main golf tak gheti..

topic discussion, topic biasa-biasa saja..mainly about our long not lost frenz..our beloved frenz..Y..used to be our dearest frenz(still)..used to be there for kan??she got married..then...pop...we went apart..y eh?...only ALLAH knows...I went to her mother's house last week end..just to say hello and ziarah..May Allah Bless our frenz with happiness and Love...ameen..


ainko said...

sian kakak gue rindu besfren Y okla dh jupe abg maher kan br ni..hehe


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